in her high school, for example, sours attends a career academy for health and medical sciences.

some of these options also allow you to earn industry certifications, licensure, or college credit. your high school may offer options for exploring careers while earning credit toward graduation. we are leaders and world class researchers our ideas change lives. Chartered in 1785, the university of georgia is one of the top public research universities in the usa. through a coordinated effort involving business and industry, youth apprenticeship addresses the dual role of preparing students for the world of work and providing georgia with a highly skilled, technologically competitive. youth apprenticeship is a structured combination of school based and work based learning. as part of plummer’s work based learning program, she works on websites and flyers for the college. high school student kiara plummer and julia butler mayes of the college of education discuss college opportunities. High school students benefiting from uga career programs.